Worship Music

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Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. (Colossians 3:16)

We were created to worship God. While worship can never be reduced solely to singing, nonetheless singing does play an important part in our corporate and private worship. The purpose of this section is to serve the local church in the area of song selection.

As songs pass through the voting process, a useful base should be formed that will help local churches choose excellent God honouring, people edifying songs. Plese particapte by

  1. listening to the song
  2. reading the lyrics
  3. voting according to the three categories.


Words: Good theology is vital for worship. Worship is God pleasing actions overflowing from joy in truth about the LORD. That means our singing is worship when it is the overflow of joy in truth about the LORD. If the basis of our singing is not truth about God, then it isn't worship of God.

Singability: It goes without saying that songs must be singable in order to foster congregational singing. Most people in the congregation are comfortable in the range from a low A to a high D. The tempo must also be manageable.

Melody: Good melodies are an encouragement to sing; bad melodies are a discouragement. Worship leader Bob Kauflin reminds us, 'great theology set to melodies that are bland or impossible to sing wont be remembered for long. If at all.'

Songs (Listed from Latest Down)


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